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The Ships

It will be of interest to subscribers to give in some detail the War Service of the fathers of the boys and girls who have been brought to New Zealand and received training at Flock House. The names of the ships, in which the fathers were killed or incapacitated, cover nearly the whole of the operations of the British Navy and Mercantile Marine throughout the war, and will assist subscribers to realise the wide extent in which the funds are being used to help dependents. The assistance given to incapacitated sailors and to widows by way of grants covers the same wide flung field.

The service covers the following historic names and operations:

Cruiser, H.M.S. ‘Amphion’, sunk by mine on 6th August, 1914, in the North Sea.

Cruisers, H. M. S. ‘Hogue’, ‘Aboukir’ and ‘Cressy’, torpedoed on the Dogger Bank on 22nd September, 1914.

Cruiser, H.M.S. ‘Hawke’, torpedoed off Peterhead on 15th October, 1914.

Operations of the Naval Brigade in Belgium in October, 1914.

Cruisers, H.M.S. ‘Monmouth’ and Good Hope’ sunk at the Battle of Coronel on 1st November, 1914.

Battleship, H.M.S. ‘Bulwark’ blown up at Sheerness on 26th November, 1914.

Cruiser, H.M.S. ‘Kent’s’ duel with the Nurnberg at the Battle of the Falkland Isles on 8th December, 1914.

Battleship, H.M.S. ‘Formidable’, torpedoed in the Channel on 1st January, 1915.

Armed Merchant Cruiser, H.M.S. ‘Viknor’, mined off the coast of Ireland on 11th January, 1915.

Armed Merchant Cruiser, H.M.S. ‘Bayano’, torpedoed off the coast of Galloway on 11th March, 1915.

Landing of Troops by the Collier ‘River Clyde’ (Trojan Horse) at Dardanelles on 25th April, 1915.

Battleship, H.M.S. ‘Goliath’, torpedoed at Dardanelles on 13th May, 1915.

Operations of the Naval Division at Dardanelles in May, 1915, and the Hood Battalion in November, 1915.

S.S. ‘Lusitania’, torpedoed on 7th May, 1915.

Minelayer, ‘Princess Irene’, blown up at Sheerness on 7th May, 1915.

Troopships ‘Royal Edward’ and ‘Marquette’, sunk in the Aegean Sea on 14th August and 23rd October, 1915, respectively.

Cruiser, H.M.S. ‘Natal’, blown up in Cromartv Harbour on 31st December, 1915.

Battle of Jutland on 31st May, 1916, and the losses of Battle Cruisers H.M.S. ‘Queen Mary’. ‘Indefatigable’ and ‘Invincible’

Cruisers, H.M.S. ‘Defence’, ‘Black Prince’ and ‘Warrior’, and Destroyers, H.M.S. ‘Nestor’ and ‘Tipperary’.

Operations of the Minesweepers, Trawlers, Drifters and Patrol Boats.

Operations of the Mystery Ships.

The attempted blockade throughout the war by enemy submarines in which nine million tons of British and six million tons of allied and neutral shipping were sunk.

British Submarine Operations.

Cruiser, H.M.S. ‘Hampshire’, sunk by mine on 5th June, 1916, with Lord Kitchener and Staff.

Losses by the Raiders in the Pacific, including fight between the S.S. ‘Otaki’ and the ‘Moewe’ on 10th March, 1917.

Battleship, H.M.S. ‘Vanguard’, blown up at Scapa Flow on 9th July, 1917.

Canadian Cruiser, H.M.S. ‘Niobe’ and S.S. ‘Curaca’, sunk at Halifax Disaster on 6th December, 1917.

Operations of Cruiser, H.M.S. ‘Vindictive’ and the old Mersey Ferry Boat “Iris’ at the bottling up of the enemy submarine base at Zeebrugge on 23rd April, 1918.

Hospital Ship ‘Llandovery Castle’, torpedoed on 27th June, 1918.

Various Ships listed:

In addition to the names mentioned above, fathers were killed or incapacitated on the following ships:


H.M.S. ‘Superb’, ‘Agincourt’, ‘Thunderer’, ‘Revenge’, ‘Barham’, ‘Jupiter’, ‘Hindustan’, ‘Implacable’, ‘Dreadnought’, ‘Iron Duke’, ‘Centurion’, ‘Mars’, ‘Albion’, ‘Queen Elizabeth’, ‘Irresistible’ and ‘Britannia’ (sunk 9.11.19I8).

Battle Cruisers:

H.M.S. ‘New Zealand’, ‘Australia’, ‘Lion’, ‘Hood’, ‘Princess Royal’.


‘Cochrane’, ‘Terrible’, ‘Chester’, ‘Birmingham’, ‘Arrogant’, ‘St George’, ‘Juno’, ‘Hermione’, ‘Imperieuse’, ‘Gloucester’, ‘Brisbane’, ‘Roxburgh’, ‘Inconstant’, ‘Crescent’, ‘Lancaster’, ‘Calypso’, ‘Achilles’, ‘King Alfred’, ‘Attentive’, ‘Blonde’, ‘Pegasus’ (sunk 20.9.1914), ‘Argyll’, (sunk 28,10.1915), ‘Dido’ (sunk 23.12.1917).

Armed Merchant Cruisers:

H.M.S. ‘Otranto’, ‘Ebro’, ‘Champagne’, ‘Chifton’, ‘Patuca’, ‘Clan McNaughton’ (sunk 3.2.1915), ‘India’ (sunk 10.8.1915), ‘Arlanza’ (sunk 26.12.1916), ‘Laurentic’ (sunk 25.1.1917), ‘Grama’ (sunk 25.1.1917), ‘Patia’ (sunk 13.6.1918).


H.M.S. ‘Onslow’, ‘Martial’, ‘Onslaught’, ‘Broke’, ‘Exe’, ‘Jackal’, ‘Lark’, ‘Panther’, ‘Locust’, ‘Cheerful’, ‘Rosemary’, ‘Steady’, ‘Lysander’, Torrid’, ‘Ursa’, ‘Viking’ (sunk 13.1.1915), ‘Lynx’ (sunk 9.8.1915), ‘Laertes’ (sunk 1.8.1917), ‘Vigilant’ (sunk 26.9.1915), ‘Contest’ (sunk 11.12..1917), ‘Laverock’ (sunk 17.9.1918).


‘Glatton’ (sunk 10.9.1918).

Gun Boots, Patrol Boats and Sloops:

H.M.S. ‘Speedwell’, ‘Halcyon’, ‘Silanion’, ‘Duke of Clarence’, ‘Clementina’, ‘Candytuft’, ‘Crocus’, ‘Mallow’, ‘Begonia’, ‘Ivy’ (sunk 17.12.1914), ‘Ramsey’ (sunk 8.8.1915), ‘Hazard’ (sunk 10.8.1916), ‘Forward’ (sunk 31.3.1917), ‘Cowslip’ (sunk 25.4.1918), ‘Inniscroone’ (sunk 12.5.1918).

Depot and Training Ships:

H.M.S. ‘Dolphin’, ‘President’, ‘Pembroke’, ‘Vivid’ ‘Egmont’ and ‘Hecla’.

Mystery Ships:

H.M.S. 017 and Q20 (sunk 17.3.1917).


H.M.S. A.E.I (Australian) (sunk 16.9.1914), E.3 (sunk 18.10.1914), D.5 (sunk 3.11.1914), E.15 (sunk 18.4.1915), E.49 (sunk 12.3.1917), E.50 (sunk 28.1.1918), K.17 (sunk 31.1.1918).

Minesweepers, Drifters, Trawlers, etc.:

‘Eaigowrie’, ‘St. Vincent’, ‘Fleetwing’, ‘Cyrano’, ‘Hercules’, pollar Princess’, ‘Nora Niven’, ‘Strathcona’, ‘Fort Albert’, ‘Marchioness of Bute’, ‘Queen Victoria’, ‘R.55’, ‘Pangboume’.

And the following sunk on the dates shown:

‘Salvia’ (27.9.1914), ‘Vale of Clyde’ (17.10.1914), ‘Lord Carnarvon’ (19.11.1914), ‘Oceano’ (24.12.1914), ‘R.IO’ (2.2.1915), ‘Bemicia’ (6.2.1915), ‘Lord Airedale’ (18.3.1915), Incentive’ (10.5.1915), ‘Perseus’ (24.7.1915), ‘Grimbarion’ (4.8.1915), ‘Lady Ismay’ (21.12.1915), ‘Cameo’ (24.12.1915), Resono’ (26.12.1915), ‘King Emperor’ (4.2.1916), ‘Saxon Prince (28.3.1916), ‘Lena Melling’ (10.4.1916), ‘Mercury’ (28.6.1916), ‘Burnley’ (6.7.1916), ‘Henry R. James’ (16.7.1916) Gunner (2.8.1916), ‘Sarah Alice’ (26.9.1916), ‘Nellie Bruce’ (16.10.1916), ‘Gleaner of the Sea’ (26.10.1916), ‘Dragon’ (8.12.1916), ‘Amadavat’ (18.2.1917), ‘Frigate Bird’ (11.3.1917) ‘Orthos’ (9.4.1917), ‘Pitstream’ (13.4.1917), Martin II’ (14.4.1917), ‘Corrientes’ (23.6.1917), ‘Sophron’ (22.8.1917), ‘Thuringa’ (11.11.1917), ‘Empyrene’ (22.12.1917), ‘Drumtochty Attentive HI’ (29.1.1918), ‘Eleanor’ (12.2.1918, ‘Leeds’ (16.7.1918), ‘James Seckar’ (22.9.1918), ‘Ascot’ (11.11.1918), ‘Fitzroy’ (11.11.1918), ‘Grecian Prince’ (mined 1.11.1919), ‘Lindsay’ (mined 10.2.1920).

Mercantile Marine:

‘Maundy Ridge’, ‘Ben Nevis’, ‘Ibis’, ‘Fairmuir’, ‘Bondicar’, ‘Narman’, ‘listen’, ‘Dunedin’, ‘Oswego’, ‘Indore’, ‘Romeo’, ‘Woodville’, ‘Snowdon’, ‘Ethelfryda’, ‘Earl of Forfar’, ‘Flying Cormorant’, ‘Grantley Hall’, ‘Rio Preto’, ‘Sir Francis’, ‘Ross Keen’, ‘Joshua’, ‘Pathan’, ‘Start Bay’, ‘Bromsgrove’, ‘War Knight’, ‘Aquitania’, ‘Research’, ‘Excel’, ‘Moorlands’, ‘Rhoama’, ‘Stephan Furness’, ‘France Cherie’, ‘St. Gothard’, ‘Lucknow’, ‘Perthshire’.

And the following sunk on the dates shown:

‘Dawdon’ (3.10.1914), ‘Ashdeen’ (4.1.1915), ‘Onsel’ (21.1.1915), ‘Baron Ardrossan’ (5.2.1915, ‘Wavelet’ (13.2.1915), ‘Conway Castle’ (27.2.1915), ‘Argentina’ (26.3.1915), ‘Commander Fullerton’ (17.7.1915), Rochester City’ (11.8.1915), ‘Loch Fyne’ (6.9.1915), Clan Macfarlane’ (7.9.1915), ‘Balakani’ (9.9.1915), ‘Rosedale’ (17.10.1915), ‘Emopa’ (18.11.1915), ‘Gavenwood’ (20.2.1916), ‘Duckbridge’ (22.2.1916), ‘Arbonne’ (24.2.1916), ‘Kwasind’ (7.4.1916), ‘Algarve’ (12.7.1916), ‘Priestfield’ (3.9.1916), ‘Commodore’ (7.9.1916), ‘Riverto’ (1891916), ‘Carribbean’ (26.9.1916), ‘Jaffa’ (18.10.1916), ‘Hazelwood’ (19.10.1916), ‘Bayreaulx’ (20.10.1916), ‘Marina’ (28.10.1916), ‘Vasco’ (16.11.1916), ‘Pelagio’ (28.11.1916), ‘Linwood’ (6.12.1916), ‘Kent County’ (8.12.1916), ‘Dramatist’ (12.12.1916), ‘Hildaweir (20.12.1916), ‘California’ (7.2.1916), ‘Bray Head’ (15.3.1917), ‘Narragansett’ (16.3.1917), ‘Star of Freedom’ (19.4.1917), ‘Bagdale’ (1.5.1917), ‘Rodeo’ (5.5.1917), ‘Alfalfa’ (5.5.1917), ‘Feltria’ (6.5.1917), ‘Iris of Poole’ (7.5.1917),’Dalton’ (18.5.1917),’Empress of India’ (2.6.1917), ‘Wega’ (4.6.1917), ‘Samia’ (8.6.1917), ‘Stanhope’ (17.6.1917), ‘Garmoyle’ (11.7.1917), ‘Newmarket’ (17.7.1917), ‘Fremona’ (31.7.1917), ‘Ragnhold’ (3.9.1917), ‘Tuscarora’ (10.9.1917), ‘Manchuria’ (1710I917), ‘Busirs’ (14.11.1917), ‘Kalibia’ (30.11.1917), ‘Minorca’ (11.12.1917), ‘Alfred H. Reade’ (28.12.1917), ‘Sapper’ (28.12.1917), ‘Teelin Head’ (21.1.1918), ‘Greatham’ (22.1.1918), ‘Beacon Light’ (19.2.1918), ‘Glenmark Castle’ (26.2.1918), ‘Kerirare’ (2.3.1918), ‘Polleon’ (21.3.1918) ‘Border Lads’ (25.3.1918), ‘Normanbut’ (22.4.1918), ‘Elba’ (28.4.1918), ‘Kutoang’ (29.4.1918), ‘Rathlin’ (26.5.1918), ‘Subadar’ (5.6.1918), ‘Princess Maud’ (8.6.1918), ‘Florentia’ (29.6.1918), ‘St. Seriol’ (16.7.1918), ‘Justitia’ (19.7.1918), ‘Heathpark’ (4.10.1918), ‘Solaire’ (1.1.1919), ‘Hughli’ (26.4.1919).